2014年1月29日 星期三

The journey to the safest place on earth

      I watched a documentary about nuclear energy today. The title is "Journey to the safest place on earth". Interesting enough, we need the safest place to kept the most dangerous thing on earth, the nuclear waste. We want ourselves safe, but the safest place itself will be doomed. It is pretty admirable and realistic for the representative(?) of the volunteer site in Sweden to say "who is going to deal with it, if we don't?" Out of fear, conservation and responsibility, people protested against nuclear power. Out of optimism, confidence and profit, people develop nuclear technology. It remains a topic complex enough to take decades to find a solution, and the problem might exist thousands of years. The decisions would depend on how much we are betting on our future and how much risk is acceptable, the outcome of which is all going to be taken by our next generation.



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